Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund1

Preliminary Draft Disclosure of Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund — Student Portion

(Schools are required to report the details within 30 days of the receipt of the funds — in our case, we are required to provide the information by June 18, 2020. However, we have chosen to provide some preliminary information now and we will keep them updated)

Date: The page was posted on May 29, 2020

Updated June 5, 2020

Item 1: An acknowledgement the institution signed and returned the Certification and Agreement

Answer on May 29, 2020: PITC Institute has signed and returned the certification and agreement

Item 2: Report the methods they use to determine who’s eligible to get the funds

Answer on May 29, 2020: The funds were received on May 19, 2020. Anyone who was an active student on May 19, 2020 is eligible, given that they are eligible for Title IV funding. Students who dropped or had the Last Day of Attendance as May 18, 2020 or before are deemed ineligible.

Item 3: The methods used to determine how much students would get from these student HEERF funds

Answer on May 29, 2020: The total amount received for the student portion will be divided equally among the total number of eligible students.

Item 4: Any instructions, directions, or guidance given to students about the availability of these funds.

Answer on May 29, 2020: Students have been notified of the availability of the funds and we are getting their bank information for the direct deposit.

Item 5: Disclose the total amount of funds received or will receive from the student share funds

Answer: The total amount that we received on May 19, 2020 is $468,314.

Item 6:  The total amount of grants distributed to students

Answer on June 30, 2020:  $470,310.00

Item 7: Estimated number of students who might be eligible. Essentially, the number of students who meet the section 484 requirements for student eligibility for Title IV aid

Answer on June 30, 2020: Our current estimate is 257 students.

Item 8: The total number of students that they have actually made emergency grants to under this fund.

Answer on June 30, 2020: As of today, grants were sent to 257 students.